3.1.3 (AtomsUnreal)

Downloads: https://atoms.toolchefs.com/downloads/

This version of Atoms Unreal contains the following bug fixes and improvements.

Features and improvements:

  • Behaviour Tree: added MathOperation task node.

  • JointAlignXPUComponent: added option to align up vector with the world up axis

  • Behaviour Tree: jointName node properties converted from FString to FName.

  • Behaviour Tree: kill agent node kills the current agent if the id is -1.

  • Behaviour Tree: IsVisible decorator added optional nav mesh properties.

  • Behaviour Tree: added tag property to filter actors with a specific tag.

  • Behaviour Tree: added AgentExists decorator.

  • StateMachineXPU: added support to “use clip direction“ to the animation clips.

  • Added NoiseVelocity behaviour component.

  • FollowFrontCurve component: add optional bool metadata set to true for the agents on the front.

  • BehaviourTree: added support to FName properties.

Bug Fixes:

  • The navigation component continues to ask for a new path for every agent at every tick even when computePathAtEveryFrame is off.

  • Behaviour Tree: Joint aim XPU task return failure when weight is zero.

  • Behaviour Tree: Running task return failure instead of running state.

  • ClipReader operator uses a clamped time to get clip direction.

  • Double call to ExtractPose when agent group is driven by a sequence in play mode.

  • StateMachine component: agents do not stay inside the navmesh when the navigation is active.


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