3.0.0b1 (AtomsUnreal)
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This version of Atoms Unreal contains the following bug fixes and improvements.
Features and improvements:
Added agent type component.
Added clip reader XPU component.
Added state machine XPU component.
Added custom hero.
Added runtime variation support.
Added joint align XPU component.
Behaviour tree: added joint align XPU task.
Behaviour tree: added joint transform XPU task.
Behaviour tree: added joint aim XPU task.
Added LODs and frustum culling to the editor.
Added new atoms stats.
Added support to virtual bones.
Added new attachment component.
Gameplay debugger: added EQs support.
Added map metadata support to blueprint.
Agent group actor: Added InitializeNewAgentWithMetadata method.
Atoms/Usd cache exporter: added support to events and physics simulation.
Animation BP: added agent pose node.
Added support to stereo instancing.
Added visible metadata to agents.
Updated to AtomsCrowd 4.5.
Improved performance.
Added support to Xbox platform.
Added support to Nintendo Switch platform.
Added support to Unreal Engine 4.27.2.
Added support to Unreal 5.0.0 early access 2.
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