Downloads: https://atoms.toolchefs.com/downloads/
This version of Atoms Unreal contains the following bug fixes and improvements.
Please be aware that AtomsUnreal 1.9.0 uses a new license type. The AtomsRealtime license for AtomsUnreal <= 1.8.0 is no longer valid.
Features and improvements:
Update license type
Unreal Engine 4.26 support
iOS and macOS support
Reallusion assets workflow
New toolbar button replaces the “Atoms Crowd” menu
New PedVO and RVO algorithms for agent avoidance
New Clip operators
Search path for state transitioning in State Machine module.
Mesh Scatter Layout module now can take a nav mesh as input.
Retargeting improvements for clapping clips
Particle Operator was merged with Pelvis Operator (Particle Operator is now deprecated)
Added editPosition attribute for RVO and PedVO agent avoidance.
All layout modules have new dynamic option.
Added “Create agent type“ command to crate an agent type from a selected skeleton or skeletal mesh.
Added “Create State machine“ command to created a state machine asset from selected anim sequences.
Added “Reload Atoms“ command to reload registered atoms assets from memory.
Added up direction angle limit to pelvis operator.
Exposed module attributes to the sequencer
Enable static motion blur
Added support to unlimited influences with Unreal 4.25 and above
Reset Frame can be driven from the sequencer
All Behaviour Component property are exposed to the sequencer
Improved navigation module performances
Added support to the debug mode of the behaviour components
Bug Fixes:
Could not open state machine after creation (had to close and reopen Unreal)
Fixed a crash when saving a state machine asset before an anim sequence
Fixed Unreal Mannequin issue when playing Unreal Mannequin in AtomsUnreal
Fixed start time when an AgentGroup is replicated
Fixed extra influences in unreal 4.25
Agent group static frame is not evaluated while moving back the time inside the sequencer
New state machine can’t be edited
Fixed double clip state rename inside the state machine editor
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