3.1.0 (AtomsUnreal)
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This version of Atoms Unreal contains the following bug fixes and improvements.
Features and improvements:
Animation XPU: Added support to blendspace 2D assets.
StateMachine: Added support to blendspace 2D assets.
Animation XPU: Added three transform blend support.
Behaviour Tree GoTo task: improved speed and quality matching navigation module algorithm.
Added support to Unreal 5.0.0.
Added global MultiLineTraceAgents blueprint function to do a ray-cast against every agent.
Behaviour Tree SetAgentMetadata: added interpolation time property.
Behaviour Tree: Added Inteprolate blackboard entry task.
Behaviour Tree GetCurvePoint: added normal and tangent output.
Added overrideVelocityToLocomotion component.
Added VortexVelocityField component.
Added FollowFrontCurve component.
FollowCurve component: set max turn angle to -1 to disable it.
Navigation component: max turn angle is now in degree/seconds
Agent avoidance component: max turn angle is now in degree/seconds
Agent avoidance component: velocity and acceleration are in (scene unit / scene scale) / seconds.
Add locomotion control to directional components.
Update AtomsRealtime to 5.1.0
AgentGroupActor: added blueprint GetTickDeltaTime() method.
Agent: added blueprint getRandomValue and getRandomVector to generate random value using imath::Rand32
Navigation component: added sequence index parameter to select target actor.
Navigation component: added trigger metadata interpolation time.
Add Atoms Obstacle component to generate an obstacle radial field.
Added obstacle avoidance behaviour component: first version of the new obstacle system using AtomsObstacleComponents on obstacle actors.
Behaviour component with curve/mesh actor properties: Added support to general actors with spline and static mesh components.
Navigation component: exposed max corridor length as plugin property.
StateMachine: Added max linear/angular acceleration properties to the locomotion nodes.
Bug Fixes:
Sync component: fixed empty blueprint agent id when created agents dynamically.
Animations XPU: fixed crash when pelvis joint is not the root joint.
AnimGraph AtomsAgentPose node: set bind pose if the agent is not valid.
Navigation component: fixed bug with a corridor with more than 256 polygons.
Agent Avoidance: not using locomotion or velocity override when active.
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