3.0.0b6 (AtomsUnreal)
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This version of Atoms Unreal contains the following bug fixes and improvements.
Features and improvements:
Added Agents layout asset.
Added Agent target formation component/interface.
Navigation component: Added target actor and target sequence actor mode.
Navigation component: Added support to target formation actors.
Navigation component: Added loop sequence property.
Navigation component: Added checkTargetOnXYPlane property.
State Machine Asset: Added new blend space state node type.
StateMachineXPU: Added support to blend space state node.
Mass motion component: Added support to locomotion and anim XPU.
Improved agent avoidance.
Bug Fixes:
AddAgentToSkeletalAttachmentInstance not working when called with dynamic agents or called in blueprint.
AgentGroupActor: EnableSimulation property not working inside the sequencers.
Navigation Component: doesn’t initialize navigation system data if it doesn’t exist.
Agent avoidance: dynamic obstacles not working when adding actors directly to the property instead of calling the AddObstacle method.
Navigation component: fixed set weight method when used with the sequencer.
Fixed atoms license error when building a project.
Fixed UAtomsAgentTYpeCOmponent::AddAgentToSkeletalMeshInstanced when passing an invalid skeletal mesh.
Fixed motion blur pass.
Fixed Reallusion/Mixamo Agent type builder command.
FIxed max number of agents while playing a level using the PLE license.
Agent Avoidance: fixed obstacle and wall avoidance with multi floors nav meshes.
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