Downloads: https://atoms.toolchefs.com/downloads/
This version of Atoms Unreal contains the following bug fixes and improvements.
Features and improvements:
Added support to Mass Motion csv files.
Exposed light channels to the AtomsAgentGroup actor.
Added Agent Hero promotion.
Added Frustum trigger behaviour component.
Layout Tool: added support to multiple layout.
Added usd exporter.
UI improvements to the behaviour component properties.
Added support to dynamic navigation mesh generation.
Added StatePicker behaviour component.
Export agent type default mesh while exporting and atoms cache.
Added “Create agent type“ command to crate an agent type from a selected skeleton or skeletal mesh.
Added “Create State machine“ command to created a state machine asset from selected anim sequences.
Added “Reload Atoms“ command to reload registered atoms assets from memory.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed animation clips registration with joint scale different then 1.0.
Fixed draw of the skeletal instanced component in OpenGL ES3.
Fixed animation clip registration when changing the clip name.
Fixed Navigation mesh query.
Fixed state machine asset loading in game mode.
Fixed a bug with the agent ids used inside the proximity metadata module.
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