Downloads: https://atoms.toolchefs.com/downloads/
This version of Atoms Unreal contains the following bug fixes and improvements.
Features and improvements:
Added Atoms Agent Location particle module.
Added Navigation module.
Added agents sets inside the agent group actor.
Added frustum culling options inside the agent group and atoms cache actors.
Added behaviour module attributes override dialog.
Exposed rendering and lighting properties of the skeletal mesh instanced component on the agent group/atoms cache actors.
Moved node lock license installation folder to %LOCALAPPDATA%/Toolchefs.
Changed agent “position” metadata to read&write instead to read only.
Updated core to Linux and LinuxAArch64 build.
Added UAtomsBehaviourComponent::UpdateOnTick property to update the behaviour attributes at every tick.
Added UAtomsBehaviourComponent::OnBehaviourModuleUpdated method called at every tick when the module has the property UpdateOnTick active.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed foot lock.
Fixed ground adaptation.
Fixed resize dialogs.
Fixed a crash when an anim clip has no user data.
Fixed error while packaging a project that use atoms unreal.
Copyright © 2017, Toolchefs LTD.