Agent avoidance

Agent avoidance

The agents avoidance module makes sure your agents directions do not cross each other.



The method to be used for the avoidance:

  • Time To Collision (0)
  • RVO (1)
  • PedVO (2), optimized RVO algorithm for pedestrian simulation 
  • RVO3D (3), used for agents moving in the 3D space, such as birds, fishes, etc
distancedoublenoThe threshold distance. All agents within this distance range will be evaluated.
maxTurnAngledoublenoThe max turn angle.
doublenoThe force used for steering the agent direction. (Time To Collision only)
boundingBoxMultiplierdoublenoBounding box multiplier. Bounding box sizes are used for predicting future collisions.
agentGroupsstringArraynoarray of agent group names. The agent groups will be considered during the evaluation.
velocityThresholddoublenoThe velocity threshold. If the agent velocity magnitude is lower than this value the agent is not evaluated
debugboolnoEnables module debug drawing.
editPositionboolnoIf on, this module tries to force also the agent positions so they don't intersect with each other. (RVO only)
timeHorizondoublenoThe time used by the RVO algorithm to check for collisions with agents in the future. (RVO, PedVO and RVO3D only)
timeHorizonObstaclesdoublenoThe time used by the RVO algorithm to check for collisions with obstacles in the future. (RVO and PedVO only)
maxVelocitydoublenoThe default maximum speed of an agent (RVO, PedVO and RVO3D only)
editPositionboolnoIf on, the position of the agent might be affected as well as the direction. (RVO only)
distanceNeighborsdoublenoThe threshold distance. All agents within this distance range will be evaluated. In RVO and PedVO will be used also for the obstacle neightbors
maxNeighborsintnoThe maximum number of agents allowed in the neighborhood
radiusMultiplierdoublenoThe radius multiplier.
strideFactordoublenoFactor to determine the inverse stride length of an agent (1.57 is recomended). Lower values represent greater stride lengths. (PedVO only
strideBufferdoublenoFactor to determine the sensitivity of an agent to density (0.9 is recomended). Lower values represent higher sensitivity (PedVO only)
turningBiasdoublenoFactor to allow higher turning angles while navigating around obstacle corners (PedVO only)
sceneScaledoublenoThe factor to convert velocities and positions into the right scale in the PedVO method, i.e., set scale to 100 if the agents size is in centimeters
stepsintnoNumber of algorithm executions per frame (RVO, PedVO and RVO3D only)
navMeshstringnoThe navigation mesh name to avoid obstacles (RVO and PedVO only)
dyamicObstaclesUpdateboolnoIf enabled, the dynamic obstacles will be evaluated at each frame.\nIf disabled, they will be computed at init simulation only.
dynamicObstaclesmeshArraynoThe array of dynamic mesh obstacles
dynamicObstaclesParentMatrixmatrixArraynoThe array of parent matrices of the dynamic obstacles
dynamicObstaclesTranslationvector3ArraynoThe array of translations of the dynamic obstacles
dynamicObstaclesScalevector3ArraynoThe array of scales of the dynamic obstacles
dynamicObstaclesRotationvector3ArraynoThe array of rotations of the dynamic obstacles
ignoreNextDirectionalModulesboolyesIf enabled, all next directional modules in the stack will be ignored.
editLocomotionLinearVelocityboolyesIf on, this module will edit the targetLinearVelocity metadata used by the locomotion system.
editLocomotionAngularVelocityboolyesIf on, this module will edit the targetAngularVelocity metadata used by the locomotion system.
linearVelocityMindoubleyesThe minimum value for the locomotion linear velocity
linearVelocityMaxdoubleyesThe maximum value for the locomotion linear velocity
negativeLinearVelocityMaxdoubleyesThe maximum value for the locomotion linear velocity when the target is behind the agent

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