Context Steering
Context Steering
The context steering module is a smart steering behaviour. It generates multiple rays around the agent and uses other directional and avoidance modules to choose the best direction.
Attributes | Type | Overridable | Description |
numSamples | int | no | Number of samples. |
maxDistance | float | no | Max distance. |
maxTurnAngle | double | no | The max turn angle. |
dangerThreshold | double | yes | Ignore direction that has a danger value higher than this threshold. |
angleThreshold | double | yes | Ignore directions that have an angle higher than this value. It sets the maximum danger value on the samples outside this angle. |
angleThresholdMetadata | string | yes | Metadata used to control the angleThreshold. |
alignAtInit | bool | yes | Ignore the max turn angle when the agent is created. |
useVelocityThreshold | bool | yes | If on, the velocity threshold will be used. |
velocityThreshold | double | yes | If the agent velocity length is smaller than this value, the agent direction is not modified. |
editLocomotionLinearVelocity | bool | yes | If on, this module will edit the targetLinearVelocity metadata used by the locomotion system. |
linearVelocityMin | double | yes | The minimum value for the locomotion linear velocity |
linearVelocityMax | double | yes | The maximum value for the locomotion linear velocity |
negativeLinearVelocityMax | double | yes | The maximum value for the locomotion linear velocity when the target is behind the agent |
maxLinearAcceleration | double | yes | Maximum linear acceleration per frame |
locomotionFalloffRadius | double | yes | Distance used for decreasing the linear velocity when getting closer to the target. Not used in delta mode. |
locomotionTargetDistance | double | yes | When the agent reaches this distance from the target the linear velocity is set to the minimum value provided. |
editLocomotionAngularVelocity | bool | yes | If on, this module will edit the targetAngularVelocity metadata used by the locomotion system. |
debug | bool | no | Activate the draw debug visualization |
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