Follow target curve

Follow target curve

The follow target curve module makes your agent travel towards the closest point of a curve.


curvecurvenoTarget curve
isAnimatedboolnoIf on, the curve internal KDTree is built at every frame.
maxTurnAngledoubleyesAgent max turn angle per frame
maxDistancedobuleyesThe max distance from the curve. Any agent further than this value from the curve will be ignored.
samplesintnoNumber of curve samples.
useParamboolyesStore the curve parametric coordinate of the closest point at the beginning of the simulation, and use this same point as target during the rest for the simulation.
goalDistancedoubleyesAs soon as the agent reaches this distance, then the value for the metadata (metadadaName) is changed.
goalDistanceDropOffdoubleyesGoal distance drop off.
metadataNamestringyesMetadata name.
metadataBoolValueboolyesMetadata bool value.
metadataIntValueintyesMetadata int value.
metadataDoubleValuedoubleyesMetadata double value.
metadataVector3Valuevector3yesMetadata vector3 value.
keepMetadataValueboolyesIf set to true, the agent metadata keeps the new value even when it reaches the goalDistance.
ignoreNextDirectionalModulesboolyesIf enabled, all next directional modules in the stack will be ignored.
alignAtInitFrameboolyesThe agents will be driven only at the first frame of the simulation when this flag is turned off
editLocomotionLinearVelocityboolyesIf on, this module will edit the targetLinearVelocity metadata used by the locomotion system.
linearVelocityMindoubleyesThe minimum value for the locomotion linear velocity
linearVelocityMaxdoubleyesThe maximum value for the locomotion linear velocity
negativeLinearVelocityMaxdoubleyesThe maximum value for the locomotion linear velocity when the target is behind the agent
locomotionFalloffRadiusdoubleyesDistance used for decreasing the linear velocity when getting closer to the target. Not used in delta mode
locomotionTargetDistancedoubleyesWhen the agent reaches this distance from the target the linear velocity is set to the minimum value provided
editLocomotionAngularVelocityboolyesIf on, this module will edit the targetAngularVelocity metadata used by the locomotion system.

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