Direction field

Direction field

The direction field module creates a velocity field affecting the agent directions.

The field is uniformly distributed on the surface UVs. Use the "Direction field context tool" (Maya only) to paint the vectors direction. Each agent will look for samples inside the "maxDistance" radius to interpolate the final direction at every frame.


meshmeshnoInput mesh. Must have valid UVs, since the module generate samples using the UV coordinates.
meshParentMatrixmatrixnoThe mesh parent matrix.
meshTranslationvector3noThe mesh translation.
meshScalevector3noThe mesh scale.
meshRotationvector3noThe mesh rotation.
tangentSamplesstringnoSerialized MapMetadata, Contains some UV samples with their direction.
debugboolnoEnables module debug drawing.
 resolutionvector2  noNumber of row and column of the sample grid generated inside the UV space (from 0.0 to 1.0).
maxTurnAngledoublenoThe max turn angle.
 debugVectorScale doubleno Length of the direction vectors drawn by the module when the debug attribute is on.
 isAnimated boolno If the input mesh is deformed over the time.
 useHeightField boolno Use an Height field instead of the input mesh .
 heightField stringno Height field name.
 influences intno Max number of neighbour samples used by each agent to compute the final direction.
 maxDistance doubleno Max search distance
ignoreNextDirectionalModulesboolyesIf enabled, all next directional modules in the stack will be ignored.
editLocomotionAngularVelocityboolyesIf on, this module will edit the targetAngularVelocity metadata used by the locomotion system.

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