Play Animation Sequence

Play Animation Sequence

Adds and plays a temporary sequence of animation clips on the agent.

Success:  When the sequence has finished playing

Failure:  When an animation clip could not be added

Running: While the sequence clip is being played


lockAgentboolIf on, ensures no data on the agent is written simultaneously by nodes that have this option active.

This behaviour can play the animation clip on specific joints. If you leave this empty the animation clip is played on all the joints.
If you put a valid joint name then the animation clip is played only on this joint an its children

blendFramesintNumber of frames used to blend in and blend out the animation clip
frameRatedoubleFrame rate used to play the animation clip
numberOfLoopsintNumber of times that the animation clip should be played. Use -1 if you want infinite loops
clipNamesstring arrayList of animation clip names composing the sequence
inTimeBlackboardKeystringIn Time Blackboard Key
outTimeBlackboardKeystringOut Time Blackboard Key

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