Go To

Go To

Makes the agent move to a point on the given navigation mesh.

Success:  When the agent has reached the destination point.

Failure: When a path to the destination point could not be found

Running: When the agent is moving towards the target point.


lockAgentboolIf on, ensures no data on the agent is written simultaneously by nodes that have this option active.
navMeshNamestringNavigation mesh name
targetPositionvector3Target position
targetRadiusdoubleThe behaviour returns success if the agent is closer than this distance to the target
extentvector3Extent used to project the target and the agent position onto the nav mesh
maxTurnAngledoubleMax turn angle
tickFrequencydoubleTick frequency in second of this behaviour. Set to 0 if this behaviour must tick at every frame
weightdoubleDirection blending weight
alignAtInitFrameboolIf on, the agent is not aligned when created

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