Go To
Go To
Makes the agent move to a point on the given navigation mesh.
Success: When the agent has reached the destination point.
Failure: When a path to the destination point could not be found
Running: When the agent is moving towards the target point.
Attributes | Type | Description |
lockAgent | bool | If on, ensures no data on the agent is written simultaneously by nodes that have this option active. |
navMeshName | string | Navigation mesh name |
targetPosition | vector3 | Target position |
targetRadius | double | The behaviour returns success if the agent is closer than this distance to the target |
extent | vector3 | Extent used to project the target and the agent position onto the nav mesh |
maxTurnAngle | double | Max turn angle |
tickFrequency | double | Tick frequency in second of this behaviour. Set to 0 if this behaviour must tick at every frame |
weight | double | Direction blending weight |
alignAtInitFrame | bool | If on, the agent is not aligned when created |
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