Clip reader
Clip reader
The clip reader module reads an animation clip and applies it to the group agents.
Attributes | Type | Overridable | Description |
behave3d | bool | no | If true, the agents will move freely in 3D as if they were particles. The Particle operator is going to be applied instead of the Pelvis and Foot Operators. |
clipName | string | yes | The animation clip name. |
fixLegStretch | bool | no | If true, compensate the leg stretching. |
frameRate | string | yes | The frame rate used for playing the agent animation. |
gravityField | string | no | The name of the gravity field. |
heightField | string | no | The name of the height field. |
heightFieldOffset | double | no | An extra offset applied to your agent heights from the ground. |
seed | int | no | Seed random value. |
startFrame | double | yes | The start frame of the clip. If set to a value lower than 0, a random value is used instead. |
frameOffset | int | yes | A frame offset |
debug | bool | no | Enables module debug drawing. |
maxUpAxisAngle | double | yes | Maximum up axis rotation angle in degrees |
alignUpAxisTresholdAngle | double | yes | Threshold angle used to realign the agent up axis with the global up axis |
sitAdaptation | bool | yes | If on, the agent will adapt to the height field when playing sitting clips. The sitting factor must be properly configured for the clip being played. |
softIkDistance | double | yes | The soft ik distance used by the IK algorithm. Set this value to 0 to disable the soft IK |
useClipDirection | bool | yes | If on, the clip direction is used instead of the agent direction metadata |
disableFootLockOnLegStretch | bool | yes | Disables the foot lock when leg stretches too much compared to the bind leg length. |
legStretchMaxRatio | double | yes | When disableFootLockOnLegStretch is on, this value provides the maximum ratio between the current leg length and the bind leg length. The foot lock is disabled when the ratio is greater than the given value. |
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