Get Closest Agent
Gets the id of the closest agent in a cone area.
Success: When an agent could be found.
Failure: When no agent could be found
Running: Never
Attributes | Type | Description |
lockAgent | bool | If on, ensures no data on the agent is written simultaneously by nodes that have this option active. |
position | vector3 | Position |
direction | vector3 | Direction |
sightAngle | double | Sight angle |
distance | double | Radius/Distance used to search neighbor agents |
conditionMetadataName | string | Metadata name used as condition to filter the neighbours. If not metadata name is given, no agent is excluded from the neighbours search |
conditionMetadataValue | any | Metadata value used as condition to filter the neighbours. |
agentGroups | string array | Agent groups used to search for the closest agent |
agentIdBlackboardKey | string | Blackboard key that will store the id of the closest agent |
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