Mesh scatter layout
Mesh scatter layout
The mesh scatter layout module places randomly agents on a mesh.
Attributes | Type | Overridable | Description |
agentType | string | yes | The agent type name. |
useNavMesh | bool | no | If on, a nav mesh will be used instead of the mesh. |
navMesh | string | no | The nav mesh name |
direction | vector3 | yes | The agent directions. |
upVector | vector3 | yes | Agent up vector. |
scale | vector3 | yes | Agent scale. |
iterations | int | no | The number of iterations used for building the agents. |
mesh | mesh | no | The reference mesh. |
meshMatrix | matrix | no | The reference mesh world matrix. |
radius | double | no | The minimum distance between each agent. |
maxRadius | double | no | The maximum distance between each agents |
randomSeed | int | no | Random seed |
randomizeRadius | bool | no | If true, the radius value is randomized per agent. |
spacingMap | image | no | Texture used to modulate the radius between the radius and max radius value. |
eraseMap | image | no | Texture used to erase agents. Value above the erase threshold will erase the agents. |
eraseThreshold | double | no | Erase threshold. |
meshTriangulate | bool | no | If true, the mesh will be triangulated (Unreal Engine always triangulate meshes) |
scatterMode | int | no | 0: Creates agents randomly on the surface 1: Creates an agent for each vertex (ignores iterations) 2: Creates an agent for each face center of the mesh (ignores iterations) 3: Creates an agent randomly on the mesh vertices 3: Creates an agent randomly on the mesh faces |
groupIdOffset | int | no | Applies the offset to the agent ids if there are multiple layout modules |
isDynamic | bool | no | If true, generate agents dynamically |
dynamicMethod | int | no | The method to be used for dynamic agent generation: Timer (0), Generator Trigger(1) |
timer | vector2 | no | Range to pick a random value of frames to trigger a new generation of agents (if the module is dynamic and dynamic method is by timer) |
generatorTrigger | bool | no | Flag to trigger a new generation of agents (if the module is dynamic and dynamic method is by Generator Trigger) |
resetSeed | bool | no | If true, reset the seed at each generation (only used if the module is dynamic) |
generateOnInitSimulation | bool | no | If true, generate agents at first frame (only used if the module is dynamic) |
randomizeAgentTypes | bool | no | If true, pick random agent type on dynamic generations (only if the module is dynamic) |
randomAgentTypes | stringArray | no | The list of agent types to be used on dynamic generations (only if the module is dynamic) |
applyPelvisHeightOffset | bool | no | If true, offsets the agent height according to the distance between the average feet position and the pelvis position in bind pose |
agentMaxNum | int | no | The maximum number of agents to be created. This ensures a fixed number of agents is created by stopping the iterations if needed. |
useClampVector | bool | no | If true, the tool will not place any agents where the angle between the ClampVector and the normal of the mesh location is more than the ClampAngle. Does not work when a nav mesh is used as source. |
clampUpVector | vector3 | no | The clamp up vector |
clampAngle | double | no | The clamp up angle |
agentGroups | stringarray | no | Array of agent group names. The agent groups will be considered for filtering out agents from this mesh scatter layout. |
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