Group copy
Group copy
This modules copy agents from an agent group.
Attributes | Type | Overridable | Description |
agentGroup | string | no | The name of the parent agent group. |
refAgentGroup | string | no | The name of the reference agent group |
heightField | string | no | The name of an height field to be used to place the cloned agents. |
randomize | bool | no | When this option is on, the agents will have their position randomized. |
seed | int | no | Random seed. |
delay | int | yes | When this option is on, the agent motion is delayed of the given number of frames. |
offset | vector3 | no | Local offset to apply to the cloned agents. |
disableFootLock | bool | yes | Disables the foot lock |
copyMetadata | bool | no | If on, this module will copy the metadatas from the source agent |
metadataExclusionList | stringArray | no | These metadatas won't be copied from the source agent |
useMeshScatter | bool | no | If on, the agents will be redistributed on the given mesh |
mesh | mesh | no | The reference mesh |
meshTranslation | vec | no | Mesh translation |
meshRotation | vec | no | Mesh rotation |
meshScale | vec | no | Mesh scale |
meshParentMatrix | matrix | no | Mesh parent matrix |
scatterMode | int | no | 0: Creates agents randomly on the surface 1: Creates an agent for each vertex (ignores iterations) 2: Creates an agent for each face center of the mesh (ignores iterations) 3: Creates an agent randomly on the mesh vertices 3: Creates an agent randomly on the mesh faces |
radius | double | no | The minimum distance between each agent. |
maxRadius | double | no | The maximum distance between each agents |
randomSeed | int | no | Mesh scatter random seed |
randomizeRadius | bool | no | If true, the radius value is randomized per agent. |
meshTriangulate | bool | no | If true, the mesh will be triangulated (Unreal Engine always triangulate meshes) |
applyPelvisHeightOffset | bool | no | If true, offsets the agent height according to the distance between the average feet position and the pelvis position in bind pose |
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