Layouting agents (AtomsUnreal)

Layouting agents (AtomsUnreal)

In Atoms there are a few layout modules you can use to layout your agents in the scene.

Grid layout

The grid layout creates a grid of agents.

Create an agent group and select it in the "World Outliner" panel.

Click on the "Add Component" button and add a "Grid Layout Behaviour" module. Select the agent type name you created previously in the "agentType" field . 
Set the "size" field to (3,3,1). Click again on the "Add Component" button and add a "State Machine Behaviour" module. 

Hit the play button to run the simulation.

Mesh scatter layout

The mesh scatter layout randomly creates agents on a input mesh.

Create a plane, and scale it by 2000,2000,2000

Create an agent group and select it in the "World Outliner" panel.

Click on the "Add Component" button and add a "Mesh Scatter Layout Behaviour" module. Select the agent type name you created previously in the "agentType" field. 

Set the "radius" field to 150. Set the mesh to the plane you just created. Click again on the "Add" button and add a stateMachine module. 

Hit the play button to run the simulation.

Curve layout

The curve layout creates agents along an input curve.

Create an "Atoms Spline Actor" and add few points, so that it can fit several agents.

Create an agent group and select it in the "World Outliner" panel.

Click on the "Add Component" button and add a "Curve Layout Behaviour" module. Select the agent type name you created previously in the "agentType" field. 

Set the curve you created inside the "curve" attribute of the curveLayout module.

Add a "State Machine Behaviour" module. 

Hit the play button to run the simulation.

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