The navigation module drives your agents on a mesh to reach an assigned target point.
Attributes | Type | Overridable | Description |
targetMode | int | no | The mode to select target points. Possible choices: "Target position" (0), "Random Target Point" (1), "Target Position Sequence" (2) |
alignAtInitFrame | bool | no | The agents will be driven by this curve field only at the first frame of the simulation when this flag is turned off. |
computepathAtEveryFrame | bool | no | If on, the module will compute the path at every frame |
debug | bool | no | Enables module debug drawing. |
maxTurnAngle | double | no | The max turn angle. |
navMesh | string | no | The navigation mesh name |
targetMetadataName | string | no | A vector3 metadata name which will drive the target position of the agents. If this is defined and the metadata exists, the targetPosition will be ignored. |
targetPosition | vector3 | yes | The target position. |
targetRadius | double | no | When the agent distance to the target position is less than this value, the targetTriggerdMetadata will be set. |
targetTriggerMetadataName | string | no | The target metadata name. |
targetTriggerMetadataValue | double | no | The value to be assigned to the target metadata. Metadata types supported are bool, double and int. |
weight | double | yes | Weight |
findNewTargetPointOnReach | bool | no | Finds a new random target point once the target is reached. Only works with "Target Position" and "Random Target Point" modes. |
findTargetPointRadius | double | no | The radius used for finding new random target points. |
targetPositionSequence | vector3Array | no | The target position sequence. |
findBestTargetAtInitSimulation | bool | no | If on, the agents will point to the closest facing target at the first frame, if they are not facing any target they will point to the closest one |
editLocomotionAngularVelocity | bool | yes | If on, this module will edit the targetAngularVelocity metadata used by the locomotion system. |
targetTriggerMetadataFalloffTime | double | yes | Time used to interpolate the trigger metadata. Starts when the agent enter inside the target radius |
allowPartialPathQuery | bool | no | Allow partial path query |
optimizePathVisibility | bool | no | Attempts to optimize the path if the next path point is visible from the current position |
wallAvoidanceRadius | double | yes | Offset the path from the wall/corners |
sequenceIndex | int | yes | If the agent reach the last target of the sequence, start again from the first one |
loopTargetSequence | bool | yes | If the agent reach the last target of the sequence, start again from the first one |
checkTargetDistanceOnXZPlane | bool | yes | Attempts to optimize the path if the next path point is visible from the current position |
projectionQueryExtent | double | no | Extent used for project the agent position on the nav mesh. This value is multiplied by the agent type height. |
ignoreSequenceTargetAfterReached | bool | yes | Ignore the current sequence target after the agent reaches it |
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