

The navigation module drives your agents on a mesh to reach an assigned target point.

targetModeintnoThe mode to select target points. Possible choices: "Target position" (0), "Random Target Point" (1), "Target Position Sequence" (2)
alignAtInitFrameboolnoThe agents will be driven by this curve field only at the first frame of the simulation when this flag is turned off.
computepathAtEveryFrameboolnoIf on, the module will compute the path at every frame
debugboolnoEnables module debug drawing.
noThe max turn angle.
navMeshstringnoThe navigation mesh name
targetMetadataNamestringnoA vector3 metadata name which will drive the target position of the agents. If this is defined and the metadata exists, the targetPosition will be ignored.
targetPositionvector3yesThe target position.
targetRadiusdoublenoWhen the agent distance to the target position is less than this value, the targetTriggerdMetadata will be set.
targetTriggerMetadataNamestringnoThe target metadata name.
targetTriggerMetadataValuedoublenoThe value to be assigned to the target metadata. Metadata types supported are bool, double and int.
findNewTargetPointOnReachboolnoFinds a new random target point once the target is reached. Only works with "Target Position" and "Random Target Point" modes.
findTargetPointRadiusdoublenoThe radius used for finding new random target points.
targetPositionSequencevector3ArraynoThe target position sequence.
findBestTargetAtInitSimulationboolnoIf on, the agents will point to the closest facing target at the first frame, if they are not facing any target they will point to the closest one
editLocomotionAngularVelocityboolyesIf on, this module will edit the targetAngularVelocity metadata used by the locomotion system.
targetTriggerMetadataFalloffTimedoubleyesTime used to interpolate the trigger metadata. Starts when the agent enter inside the target radius
allowPartialPathQueryboolnoAllow partial path query
optimizePathVisibilityboolnoAttempts to optimize the path if the next path point is visible from the current position
wallAvoidanceRadiusdoubleyesOffset the path from the wall/corners
sequenceIndexintyesIf the agent reach the last target of the sequence, start again from the first one
loopTargetSequenceboolyesIf the agent reach the last target of the sequence, start again from the first one
checkTargetDistanceOnXZPlaneboolyesAttempts to optimize the path if the next path point is visible from the current position
projectionQueryExtentdoublenoExtent used for project the agent position on the nav mesh. This value is multiplied by the agent type height.
ignoreSequenceTargetAfterReachedboolyesIgnore the current sequence target after the agent reaches it

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