Arrow Emitter

Arrow Emitter

The module generates new agents based on the animation played by another group. If there is also a ragdoll operator then the agent motion is simulated by physx instead.


agentGroupstringnoThe agent group driving the emission of agents
agentTypestringyesThe agent type for the new agents.
triggerMetadataNamestringnoThe metadata name triggering the emission of the agents.

noRead the triggerMetadataName data from the joint and not from the agent
constraintMetadataNamecurvenoMetadata name used to activate the constraint between the arrow agent and the parent
jointIdintnoThe joint id
upAxisintnoThe up axis
directionAxisintnoThe direction axis
velocityMultiplierdouble yesA velocity multiplier for the new agents.
gravitydouble noGravity value
heightFieldstringnoThe height field for the new agents.
enableRandomVelocityboolnoEnables the initial velocity randomization
randomVelocityRangevector2noRandom velocity range
arrowLengthdoubleyesArrow lenght used to compute the arrow - height field collision. If this is less then zero than the bounding box is used.

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