Arrow Emitter
Arrow Emitter
The module generates new agents based on the animation played by another group. If there is also a ragdoll operator then the agent motion is simulated by physx instead.
Attributes | Type | Overridable | Description |
agentGroup | string | no | The agent group driving the emission of agents |
agentType | string | yes | The agent type for the new agents. |
triggerMetadataName | string | no | The metadata name triggering the emission of the agents. |
useJointMetadata | bool | no | Read the triggerMetadataName data from the joint and not from the agent |
constraintMetadataName | curve | no | Metadata name used to activate the constraint between the arrow agent and the parent |
jointId | int | no | The joint id |
upAxis | int | no | The up axis |
directionAxis | int | no | The direction axis |
velocityMultiplier | double | yes | A velocity multiplier for the new agents. |
gravity | double | no | Gravity value |
heightField | string | no | The height field for the new agents. |
enableRandomVelocity | bool | no | Enables the initial velocity randomization |
randomVelocityRange | vector2 | no | Random velocity range |
arrowLength | double | yes | Arrow lenght used to compute the arrow - height field collision. If this is less then zero than the bounding box is used. |
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