Agent Has Metadata (Behaviour)

Agent Has Metadata (Behaviour)

Returns Success if the agent has the given metadata. If an agentId greater than or equal to 0 is provided the check is run on the agent with the given id (global or local).

Success: When the agent has the metadata

Failure: When the agent does not have the metadata

Running: Never


lockAgentboolIf on, ensures no data on the agent is written simultaneously by nodes that have this option active.
metadataNamestringThe metadata name
jointNamestringThe joint name. If a joint name is specified the metadata is searched on a joint instead of the agent itself.
agentIdintThe agent Id. If value greater than or equal to 0 is provided the agent with the given id is used instead of the current agent.
isGlobalIdboolIf on, the agentId is used as a global agent id. If off, the agentId is used as groupId.

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