Using a custom file browser

Using a custom file browser

Users can use their custom file browsers when browsing for Atoms files. This allows different pipelines to use their own internal DB browsers.

In order to register a new browser callback you have override the Atoms.ui.utils.qt.open_file_browser method.

The arguments of the browser callback are:

  • parent: the parent widget
  • title: the title of the browser as requested by Atoms
  • dir: the current directory
  • filter: the file filter
  • directory_mode: if true, we are browsing for a directory
  • save_mode: if true, we are saving a file
  • hint: this string will provide info about the specific task the user is performing.

The possible value for the hint argument are: 

  • load_state_machine_json, save_state_machine_json (State machine)
  • load_animation_clip_script, save_animation_clip_script (Animation clips)
  • load_agent_type_script, save_agent_type_script (Agent types)
  • load_behaviour_module_script, save_behaviour_module_script (Behaviour modules)
  • load_simulation_event_script, save_simulation_event_script (Simulation events)
  • load_variation, save_variation, merge_variation (Variation json)
  • material (load_only), texture (load_only), atoms_geo (load_only) (Variation elements)
  • cloth_setup (load_only) (Cloth setup)
  • atoms_cache_path (load_only) (Atoms cache)
  • atoms (load_only) (Skeleton config map)


from Atoms.ui.utils.qthandler import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets
import Atoms.ui.utils.qt

def my_open_file_browser(parent, title, dir="", filter="*", directory_mode=False, save_mode=False, hint=None):
    fn = None
    if directory_mode:
        if save_mode:
            fn = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(parent, "MY_BROWSER " + title, dir)
            fn = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(parent, "MY_BROWSER " + title, dir)
        if save_mode:
            fn =  QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(parent, "MY_BROWSER " + title, dir, filter)
            fn =  QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(parent, "MY_BROWSER " + title, dir, filter)
    return fn

Atoms.ui.utils.qt.open_file_browser = my_open_file_browser

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