Python plugin system

From Atoms Crowd 2.0.0, you can take advantage of the python plugin system for integrating Atoms Crowd even more into your pipeline.

A python plugin is defined as a folder on disk containing an file and file, of course you can have other files living under that folder.

In order to load your python plugins in Atoms you have define the ATOMS_PYTHON_PLUGINS_PATH environment variable. This env variable will have to point to the parent folder of your python plugin, in this way you will be able to have several python plugins under the same folder. (i.e. ATOMS_PYTHON_PLUGINS_PATH=C:\projects\atomscrowd\pythonplugins)

The file will get called by Atoms at several stages. Atoms will search for the following functions and will call them in case they are defined:

  • def load(): called when Atoms is initialized
  • def unload(): called when Atoms is unitialized
  • def loadScene(): called when a new scene using Atoms is loaded
  • def unloadScene(): called when a scene using Atoms is unloaded


The following example shows how you can create a new variation filter and register it.

import Atoms
import Atoms.ui.constants
from Atoms.singletons import get_atoms_variation_filters_singleton
import random

This is an example how a filter can edit the variation table at runtime

class VariationFilter:
    def filter(self, variations, atomsNode, origin_data):
        atv = variations.getAgentTypeVariation("atomsRobot")
        if atv:
            for mat in atv.getMaterialNames():
                material = atv.getMaterial(mat)
                if material:
        #print variations.toString(True)
        print "My variation filter"
        return variations
def load():
    print "Hello!!!"  
    filters = get_atoms_variation_filters_singleton()
def unload():
    print "Bye bye"
def loadScene():
    print "Scene Loaded"
def unloadScene():
    print "Scene unloaded"

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