USD Cache reader

USD Cache reader

The USD cache reader module builds and edits agents from a given USD  file containing SkelAnim primitives.


cachePathstringnoThe disk path of the USD file.
agentTypestringyesThe new agent type
behave3dboolnoIf true, the agents will move freely in 3D as if they were particles. 
directionFromCacheboolyesIf false, the direction from the cache will be overridden by the modules following this cache reader module.
enableFootLockboolnoEnable the foot lock system
filterAgentboolyesIf true, the agents will be filtered out.
frameOffsetintyesThe frame offset.
frameRatedoublenoFrequency at which the frames are read and displayed.
gravityFieldstringnoThe gravity field name.
heightFieldstringnoThe height field name.
heightFieldOffsetdoublenoAn extra offset applied to your agent heights from the ground.
metadataExclusionListstring arraynoThe given metadatas are not read from the cache.
metadataResimExclusionListstring arraynoThe given metadatas are not read from the cache for the agents with directionFromCache turned on.
rotationOffsetdoubleyesThe rotation offset.
translationOffsetdoubleyesThe translation offset.
scaleMultiplierdoubleyesThe scale multiplier.
timeOffsetInPlaceboolyesIf true, the time offset is in place
duplicateAgentsmapnoThe map of duplicated agents.

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