Material Exporter

Atoms Crowd currently supports the following renderers:

  • Maya: Arnold, V-Ray, Renderman and Redshift.
  • Houdini: Arnold, V-Ray, Renderman and Redshift.

Once your materials are ready in your Maya scene you can export them.
You can access the material exporters using the shelf buttons or via the menu: Atoms > Exporters > Arnold Material Exporter, Renderman Material Exporter, Vray Material Exporter, Redshift Material Exporter

Just select your material node and a file path.

The exporter will export the given material into a rib (Renderman), ass (Arnold) or vrscene (VRay) file, depending on which exporter you are using.

Users need to make sure all material nodes going into the same render are named differently (file nodes, material nodes, etc.). This is because of a renderman and arnold limitation. 

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