Digital asset exporter (AtomsUnreal)

Digital asset exporter (AtomsUnreal)

Ada files can be exported with the digital asset exporter from the menu: Atoms > Tools > Digital Asset > Exporter

The list on the left will show all the agent groups belonging to your current scene if you didn’t set a level sequence. Otherwise, it shows the agent groups contained inside the sequence. You can select any of them and press the arrow button to move them to the right list.
You can remove any agent group from the right list by selecting them and pressing the bin button.

The exporter requires a destination path to be provided by the user.

In addition, users can select to export:

  • Animation: any animation attached to any of the behaviour component properties. Animation curves can only be imported in the same host app. A baked version of the animation curves is also exported within the ada file, so that the animation can also be imported into different host apps. The animation is exported only if you provide a level sequence asset.

  • Scene Json: the scene JSON will be exported and it exports all the skeletons and animation sequences as well.

  • Variation Json:  the variation JSON will be exported with all the skeletal meshes. No materials or variation builder assets will be exported since they are not compatible with other host applications.

Finally, height fields, gravity fields and navigation meshes are not exported. You need to export them manually and recreate them when you import the ada in a host application.


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