Directional Behaviours
Atoms use the “direction“ vector3 metadata to drive the agents. You can change this metadata during the simulation directly using blueprint or c++ or a behaviour tree. Or you can use the directional behaviour that Atoms ship with.
You can find a complete list of directional behaviours here.
Use a curve to drive agents
Create an agent group.
Add a grid layout module and set the size attribute to (3,3,1).
Add state machine module. Set the "state" attribute of the stateMachine module to 1.
Create a curve with the "Atoms Spline Actor" and make sure the curve has more than 4 points.
Add a follow curve behaviour component.
In the curve attribute of the follow curve module select the curve you just created.
Press play. The agent will follow your curve.
Use multiple curves to drive agents
The curve field generates a vector field using multiple curves so the agents are affected by the direction of multiple curves.
Create an agent group.
Add a grid layout module and set the size attribute to (3,3,1).
Add state machine module. Set the "state" attribute of the stateMachine module to 1.
Create two curves in your scene with the "Atoms Spline Actor" and make sure each curve has more than 4 points.
Add a curve field module.
In the curves attribute of the curve field module, add two elements and set them to the two curves you just created.
Press play. The agents will follow the curves you created.
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