Directional Behaviours

Directional Behaviours

Atoms use the “direction“ vector3 metadata to drive the agents. You can change this metadata during the simulation directly using blueprint or c++ or a behaviour tree. Or you can use the directional behaviour that Atoms ship with.

You can find a complete list of directional behaviours here.


Use a curve to drive agents

  • Create an agent group.

  • Add a grid layout module and set the size attribute to (3,3,1).

  • Add state machine module. Set the "state" attribute of the stateMachine module to 1.

  • Create a curve with the "Atoms Spline Actor" and make sure the curve has more than 4 points.

  • Add a follow curve behaviour component.

  • In the curve attribute of the follow curve module select the curve you just created.

  • Press play. The agent will follow your curve.

Use multiple curves to drive agents

The curve field generates a vector field using multiple curves so the agents are affected by the direction of multiple curves.

  • Create an agent group.

  • Add a grid layout module and set the size attribute to (3,3,1).

  • Add state machine module. Set the "state" attribute of the stateMachine module to 1.

  • Create two curves in your scene with the "Atoms Spline Actor" and make sure each curve has more than 4 points.

  • Add a curve field module.

  • In the curves attribute of the curve field module, add two elements and set them to the two curves you just created.

  • Press play. The agents will follow the curves you created.

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