Sop Reader
Sop Reader
This module reads the point of a sop for generating and driving agents.
Attributes | Type | Overridable | Description |
sop | string | no | The sop path |
agentType | string | yes | The agent type name |
direction | vector3 | yes | The direction of the agents |
upVector | vector3 | yes | Agent up vector |
weight | bool | yes | The module weight |
maxTurnAngle | double | yes | The agent max turn angle |
usePointPosition | bool | yes | When on, the houdini point position is used to set the agent position at every frame. |
useParticleVelocityAsDirection | bool | yes | When on, the houdini point velocity is used to set the agent direction at every frame. |
keepDirectionOnReach | bool | yes | If on, the agents will keep the direction after reaching the target point |
targetRadius | double | yes | When the agent distance to the target point is less than this value, the target point is reached |
projectForward | bool | yes | If the target point is behind the agent, then it is projected in front of the current agent using its direction. Useful for just copying the motion direction from the target point to the agent. |
ignoreNextDirectionalModules | bool | yes | If enabled, all next directional modules in the stack will be ignored. |
editLocomotionLinearVelocity | bool | yes | If on, this module will edit the targetLinearVelocity metadata used by the locomotion system. |
linearVelocityMin | double | yes | The minimum value for the locomotion linear velocity |
linearVelocityMax | double | yes | The maximum value for the locomotion linear velocity |
locomotionTargetDistance | double | yes | When the agent reaches this distance from the target the linear velocity is set to the minimum value provided |
editLocomotionAngularVelocity | bool | yes | If on, this module will edit the targetAngularVelocity metadata used by the locomotion system. |
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