

From version 3.8.0 Atoms support USD assets natively. You can use skeletons, meshes and skeleton animations stored in USD files as input assets. You can also generate these assets from Atoms and store on disk as USD. Finally, you can save and load simulations to/from a USD file like a standard atoms cache.



You can import a USD skeleton like an ordinary atoms skeleton. Create a new agent type from the Atoms UI and select your USD skeleton file as a skeleton file.


You can save a skeleton to an USD file using our Rig exporter.

You can export a skeleton to USD also using our C++/python from an existing skeleton using the function:

# This code convert an fbx skeleton to a usd skel = Atoms.loadSkeleton("/input/path/to/a/fbx/myskeleton.fbx") Atoms.exportSkeleton(skel, "/output/path/myskel.usd")



You can import a USD animated skeleton like an ordinary atoms clip. Create a new animation clip from the Atoms UI and select your USD file as an animation file.


You can save a skeleton animation to an USD file using our Animation exporter.




You can export variations from your setup scene using the variation builder tool with USD as file format.



You can import in your scene a USD file containing skeletal animation using the “USD Cache Reader Module”.

The USD cache reader module is able to read any USD file containing skeleton animation primitives and covert them to live agents driven by the cache. For instance, you can export a USD cache from the native Houdini Crowd or from Unreal and import it in AtomsMaya or AtomsHoudini using this module.


You can use the “USD Exporter“ to save your simulation in a USD file.

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