Presets (AtomsUnreal)

Presets (AtomsUnreal)

It is possible to store your agent group or behaviour modules in a preset file and use it later for different agent groups/modules.

A preset contains only numerical and string attribute values; no curve/mesh/image connections are stored.

Saving an agent group preset


Press the gear icon image-20241011-150038.png on the right of the behaviour module list widget and press save preset.



On the save dialog, choose the path where you want to install the preset, a name and an optional comment.



Loading an agent group preset


Press the gear icon image-20241011-150038.png on the right of the behaviour module list widget.

From the menu, you can choose which preset to load from a list of stored presets.




Saving a behaviour module preset


Press the gear icon image-20241011-150038.png on the top right of the behaviour component attributes widget and press save preset.



On the save dialog, choose the path where you want to install the preset, a name and an optional comment.



Loading a behaviour module preset


Press the gear icon image-20241011-150038.png on the right of the behaviour module attributes widget.

From the menu, you can choose which preset to load from a list of stored presets.






Custom presets folders

By default, the presets are stored inside:

$LOCALAPPDATA/Toolchefs/Presets // On Windows $USER/Toolchefs/Presets // On Linux

It is possible to set one or multiple preset folders adding a folder path to the env variable ATOMS_PRESETS_PATHS.


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