The mirror module mirrors the pose of the agents at simulation time.
Attributes | Type | Overridable | Description |
active | bool | yes | The active state of this module. |
animMirrorPlane | int | yes | The plane used to mirror all the joints without a match. |
bindMirrorPlane | int | yes | The plane used to find the mirror joint pairs. It is also used to mirror the joints matched in a pair. Possible values: "YZ" (0), "XZ" (1), "XY" (2) |
searchMode | int | yes | The method to find joint pairs. Auto: automatic search. By Name: the joint search will be based on a string replacement. Possible values: "Auto" (0), "ByName" (1) |
left | string | yes | The first replacement string. Used when search mode is set to "ByName". |
right | string | yes | The second replacement string. Used when search mode is set to "ByName". |
stringReplacementType | int | yes | Specifies where to apply the string replace for the joint search. |
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