

The mirror module mirrors the pose of the agents at simulation time.


activeboolyesThe active state of this module.

The plane used to mirror all the joints without a match.
Possible values: "YZ" (0), "XZ" (1), "XY" (2)

bindMirrorPlaneintyesThe plane used to find the mirror joint pairs. It is also used to mirror the joints matched in a pair.
Possible values: "YZ" (0), "XZ" (1), "XY" (2)
searchModeintyesThe method to find joint pairs. Auto: automatic search. By Name: the joint search will be based on a string replacement. 
Possible values: "Auto" (0), "ByName" (1)
leftstringyesThe first replacement string. Used when search mode is set to "ByName".
rightstring yesThe second replacement string. Used when search mode is set to "ByName".

Specifies where to apply the string replace for the joint search.
Possible values: Any (0) (any part of the name), Prefix (1) (at the beginning of the name), Postfix (2) (at the end of the name)

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