Cache reader XPU

This component is the XPU equivalent of the normal Cache reader component. It has almost the same properties. The Chace Reader XPU reads an XPU cache asset file. Please have a look here at how to generate an XPU cache

  • Create an agent group actor.

  • Add a cache reader XPU component.

  • Set on the cache property the XPU cache you created.

  • Press play

Apply a new ground

The cache reader XPU is able to adapt the agents to a new ground.

Follow this tutorial to the right collision response to your new ground:

Terrain adaptation (AtomsUnreal) - Atoms Crowd Documentation - Confluence (

Then set the new trace channel as a height field onto the cache reader XPU heightFIeld property.

Remember to move the main agent group actor transform above the ground level, otherwise the agents will not adapt correctly.


Use the sequencer

It is possible to drive the cache reader using a level sequence.

Create a level sequence, then open the sequence into the sequencer and drag and drop the agent groups.

For each agent group, add a new track for the "Static Frame" property:

Set two or more key frames making sure their value matche the frame number they are on. Set the interpolation of all key frames to linear or the exported simulation won't look right.

Now add a track for the “Use Static Frame“ property and set it to true. Otherwise, the agent group will not be driven by the sequence.

You can now scrub the timeline, and the agent group will show the right cache frame.

Agent layout tool

Using the layout tool is possible to move/rotate and retime agents.

Activate the layout tool from the unreal mode combo box.

You can now select, move, rotate and retime agents. Every change is stored on the cache reader xpu component properties.

It is possible to store the layout modification directly inside the level sequence. You need only set the level sequence asset onto the agent layout tool.


You can now edit the agents, and all modifications are added as tracks inside the level sequence


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