Importing Variations (AtomsUnreal)
Users can import variations exported from Atoms Crowd supported apps inside Unreal.
To do that just drag and drop the variation json file inside the content browser and a new Atoms Variations Asset will appear.
Atoms Variation assets can be used with Atoms Group and Atoms Cache actors.
Variations Asset
An Atoms Variation asset contains a list of Atoms Variation Assets for one or more Agent Types. Each Atoms Variation Asset must be also given a name.
The variation name is going to be used later by the Variation Behaviour module to define which agent variation should be displayed on your agent.
Please note, you can only apply variations to agent having the same agent type of the variation itself.
To create manually an Atoms Variations Asset, please right click on the content browser, then select:
Atoms Crowd > Atoms Agent Variations
Variation Asset
Each Variation asset is simply a collection of Skeletal Mesh assets.
A Variation Asset can contain any number of Skeletal Mesh Assets.
To create manually an Atoms Variation Asset, please right click on the content browser, then select:
Atoms Crowd > Atoms Agent Variation
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