4.*.* and earlier versions (AtomsHoudini)
4.*.* and earlier versions (AtomsHoudini)
- Download Atoms Houdini from here.
- Extract the AtomsHoudini folder from the zip archive.
Copy the AtomsHoudini folder to:
C:/Program Files/Toolchefs/
Add those lines to your houdini.env file (if you installed AtomsHoudini in a different folder please replace "C:/Program Files/Toolchefs" with the right location):
PATH = "C:/Program Files/Toolchefs/AtomsHoudini/${HOUDINI_VERSION}/bin;$PATH;" HOUDINI_PATH = "C:/Program Files/Toolchefs/AtomsHoudini/${HOUDINI_VERSION}/;&;" ATOMS_DATA = "C:/Program Files/Toolchefs/AtomsHoudini/${HOUDINI_VERSION}/data" PYTHONPATH="C:/Program Files/Toolchefs/AtomsHoudini/${HOUDINI_VERSION}/scripts;$PYTHONPATH;" ATOMS_ROOT = "C:/Program Files/Toolchefs/AtomsHoudini/${HOUDINI_VERSION}" ATOMS_GLSL_PATH = "${ATOMS_ROOT}/glsl" ATOMS_FONTS = "${ATOMS_ROOT}/fonts" RMAN_VERSION = "21.5" ARNOLD_VERSION = "" toolchefs_LICENSE = 5053@localhost (change servername to your hostname where the license server is running, PLEASE USE THIS ENV VARIABLE ONLY WITH FLOATING LICENSES) RMAN_PROCEDURALPATH = "${RMAN_PROCEDURALPATH};${ATOMS_ROOT}/rman/${RMAN_VERSION};" RMAN_RIXPLUGINPATH= "${RMAN_RIXPLUGINPATH};${ATOMS_ROOT}/rman/${RMAN_VERSION}"
- If you are using floating licenses and the license server is running on another machine set the environment variable toolchefs_LICENSE or RLM_LICENSE to 5053@servername
Copyright © 2017, Toolchefs LTD.