Install Atoms Houdini plugin on Linux

Install Atoms Houdini plugin on Linux

  1. Download Atoms Houdini from here.

  2. Extract the AtomsHoudini folder from the zip archive.

  3. Copy the AtomsHoudini folder to:



  4. Copy the AtomsHoudini.json file contained by the "AtomsHoudini/${HOUDINI_VERSION}/package" folder into your "houdini{$MAJOR}.{$MINOR}/packages" (i.e. houdini19.5) folder. The latter folder is usually located within your home directory.
    Depending on your render engine you might have to change its version inside the AtomsHoudini.json file.

  5. If you are using floating licenses and the license server is running on another machine set the environment variable toolchefs_LICENSE_SERVER to 5063@servername (for Atoms 6 set toolchefs_LICENSE or RLM_LICENSE to 5053@servername) within the AtomsHoudini.json.

If you installed AtomsHoudini in a different folder:

  1. Set the right installation path inside the AtomsHoudini.sh (if it's different from /opt/Toolchefs/).

  2. Copy the AtomsHoudini.sh script inside /etc/profile.d/

  3. Add "AtomsHoudini/${HOUDINI_VERSION}/lib" subfolder (please substitute ${HOUDINI_VERSION} with your Houdini version) to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


If you install atoms in a custom folder you need to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env variable to the AtomsHoudini/${HOUDINI_VERSION}/lib/, or the plugin won't be able to load.


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