Custom Hero Agents

Custom Hero Agents

If you need more control over the hero promotion or use an Unreal character for your hero agents, you can use the custom hero promotion workflow.

To activate the custom hero promotion, you need to check the “Custom Hero Promotion“ property on the agent types component attached to your agent group actor.


When the custom hero promotion is active, the agent group doesn’t generate a posable mesh component for each hero agent. Instead, it calls the Agent group actor “OnHeroAgentCreatedEvent” when an agent is promoted and the “OnHeroAgentRemovedEvent” when the hero agent is removed.


You can use this workflow in combination with the “AtomsAgentPose“ AnimBP node to use an Unreal character actor.


The AtomsAgentPose node returns the pose without root motion. If you want to move the character actor, you need to use the agent position and rotation at every tick.



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