Clip Reader Behaviour
The most simple component you can use to animate the agents is the clip reader. This behaviour plays a single clip on the agents.
Create an agent group.
Add a grid layout module and set the size attribute to (3,3,1).
Add a clip reader module.
Select a compatible clip in the Clip Name field.
Press play.
Set start frame
The start frame property controls the start frame of the clip. If you put -1 every agent use a random value. If you want to set a specific frame on some agents. Open the start frame override dialog. Select the agents from the dialog or using the layout tool. Set a valid frame inside the value field and press the set value button. You can use blueprint to set the start frame using the SetFrame() and SetFrameOverride blueprint function of the clip reader component. Please remember to call it in the init simulation event.
Change velocity
Change the frame rate property to change the agent velocity.
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