Cloth Cache With First Stack Order
Cloth Cache With First Stack Order
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Today we are going to have a look at how you can use cloth caches with the First stack order mode.
Here is a script for randomizing your cloth caches.
import AtomsCore import AtomsUtils import AtomsMath import os import sys import random #agents ids to randomize agents_ids = range(0,5) #random time offset range time_offset = 30 #input cache cache_path = "E:/Atoms_files/atoms/deformed_cache/deform_anim.clothcache" cache_folder = os.path.dirname(cache_path) cache_name = os.path.basename(cache_path).split('.clothcache')[0] #output cache out_cache_folder = cache_folder out_cache_name = cache_name+"_new" #open the header to get the start and end frame ark = AtomsCore.Archive() ark.readFromFile(cache_path) cache_header = AtomsCore.MapMetadata() cache_header.deserialise(ark) start = cache_header['startFrame'].value() end = cache_header['endFrame'].value() #load all the frames of the * entry in memory all_frame_data = {} for i in range(start, end+1): curr_file = "%s/%s.%04d.clothcache" % (cache_folder, cache_name, i) ark_frame = AtomsCore.Archive() ark_frame.readFromFile(curr_file) cache_frame = AtomsCore.MapMetadata() cache_frame.deserialise(ark_frame) if not '*' in cache_frame: continue frame_data = cache_frame['*'] all_frame_data[i] = frame_data.clone() #randomize time offset agents_ids_time_offset = [0 for i in agents_ids] for i in range(len(agents_ids_time_offset)): agents_ids_time_offset[i] = random.randint(-time_offset,time_offset) #rebuild the new random cache for f in range(start, end+1): frame_data = AtomsCore.MapMetadata() for i in range(len(agents_ids)): curr_frame = agents_ids_time_offset[i] % (end - start) + start agents_ids_time_offset[i] = agents_ids_time_offset[i] + 1 frame_data[str(agents_ids[i])] = all_frame_data[curr_frame] frame_data['*'] = all_frame_data[f] frame_data['boundingBox'] = AtomsCore.Box3Metadata(AtomsMath.Box3d()) ark_frame = AtomsCore.Archive(frame_data.memSize()) frame_data.serialise(ark_frame) curr_file = "%s/%s.%04d.clothcache" % (out_cache_folder, out_cache_name, f) print curr_file ark_frame.writeToFile(curr_file) #copy the header ark_header = AtomsCore.Archive(cache_header.memSize()) cache_header.serialise(ark_header) header_file = "%s/%s.clothcache" % (out_cache_folder, out_cache_name) ark_frame.writeToFile(header_file)
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