Install Atoms Unreal plugin on Windows

  1. Download Atoms Unreal from here.

  2. Extract the Atoms Unreal folder from the zip archive.

  3. Copy the Atoms Unreal folder to:

    C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.0/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace


Importing and playing atoms caches doesn't require a license. For realtime live simulation you need to install an atomsRealtime license.

Floating license:

  • Set the environment variable

    • AtomsUnreal 5.x or above

      toolchefs_LICENSE_SERVER = 5063@localhost (change localhost to your hostname where the license server is running)
    • AtomsUnreal 4.x

      toolchefs_LICENSE = 5053@localhost (change localhost to your hostname where the license server is running)

Node lock license:

  • Follow the steps described here.


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