Clips Randomizer

Users can randomize the clips distribution of the group agents with the Clips Randomizer Tool. This tool only works with the clipReader module.

The tool is accessible via the Atoms Menu: Atoms > Tools > Clips Randomizer.

Select your agent groups in scenes.

Select the animation clips you want to apply to your agent group, then press the arrow button to move the clips to the right list.
The clips will be grouped based on the compatible agent type specified for each clip in the Atoms UI.

You can adjust the sliders to randomize the clip distribution.

By enabling the "Enable distance" option, you tell Atoms to avoid applying the same clip within a certain distance. This only works if you have enough clips available. If you have only two clips and this option is on, you might end up with an even distribution.

Activate "Enable Seed" to make sure the randomization is consistent while using the same clips and their weights . Disabling it will make the randomization be different every time you press Run. The randomization will also change depending on the seed value provided.

Activate the "On selected agents only" if you wish to run the randomizer only on the selected agents.

Once you are happy with your selection, click on the "Run" button. 

Click Rewind to reset your simulation and see the new clips distribution.

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