
Downloads: https://atoms.toolchefs.com/downloads/

This version of Atoms Crowd contains the following bug fixes and improvements.

Features and improvements:

  • New viewport preview inside the AtomsUI to check agent type skeleton/mesh, clips and statemachine states
  • Added metadata override to the procedural, this is the syntax that you can use (it creates the metadata if doesn't exists): agentId@metadataname#value
  • Added curvefield and followcurve distance influence on their debug draw
  • Added a footlock preview on the skeleton for the selected agents when the statemachine debug attribute is on. Red joints means the foot lock is active, Yellow means the foto position is interpolated between the foot lock position and the normal clip position
  •  use the env ATOMS_PYTHON_BINDING = "Atoms" to  force the usage of the atoms python binding instead the procedural one in batch mode
  • Fbx exporter now use elimbnode to make it compatible with motionbluilder
  • Added fbx skeleton loader: now you can also use normal fbx file as a skeleton file inside the agent type

Bug Fixes:

  • Procedural: fixed the agent variation/agenttype/lod override when the proxy not using all the agents from the cache
  • Follow curve: fixed the drop off attribute when is not 0.0
  • The joint static metadata of the anim clip are now written tot he agent pose
  • Clip reader module: now it use the right start frame with clips that are not in loop mode
  • Fixed the frame rate of the fbx exported from atoms

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