Atoms Proxy (AtomsKatana)

Atoms Proxy (AtomsKatana)

Atoms Katana is supported since version 1.11.0. In Katana you can display an atoms cache using our Atoms Proxy node. This node creates a new scene graph location (or multiple locations if the "expand agents" option is active). Each location creates a renderer procedural object which then renders the agents.

Atoms Proxy attributes:
  • location: the atoms proxy scene graph location. By default, the atoms proxy creates a rendererProcedural object at this location.
  • cachePath: Atoms cache file path
  • variationPath: Atoms variation file path
  • groomCachePath: Atoms Xgen file path
  • agentIds: Filter agents based on their ids. Use the comma ',' to add multiple ids. You can use ranges using the - character, to exclude agents use the '!' character.
    e.g !(4-9) excludes all the agents from 4 to 9 while 4,7,9,20 includes agent 4,7,9,20
  • frameOffset: Offset the cache in time
  • agentsToExpand: Agents ids separated by a comma to expand scene graph sub locations. Every one of these new locations renders only one agent. This is useful to override data for a single agent.
  • meshFilter: Filter meshes by name, use * character for string matching. If you want to exclude meshes, use the ! character
    e.g *_head renders only meshes with names ending with "_head", !body* doesn't render meshes with name starting with "body"
  • metadataFilter: Filters agent by metadata. The syntax is metadataName:value. You can list multiple metadatas using the comma to separate them. You can use also the * and ! for string matching.
    e.g if you want to render all the agents with variations Robot1 and Robot2 use variation:Robot1, variation:Robot2, if you want to exclude agents that have the Robot3 variation use variation:!Robot3
  • disableDefaultmaterial: Disable the default green material. The Atoms procedural uses this material when it doesn't find the right material inside the variation table.
  • materialOverrides: You can use this attribute to connect a material to a mesh overriding the data stored inside the variation table. The syntax is meshName:materialName. You can enter multiple associations (mesh/material) using the comma. You can also use the * and ! for string matching.
  • disableVariationMaterials: You can enter a list of materials that will not be used by the atoms procedural. You can use the * and ! character for string matching. To enter multiple names use the comma to separate them.
  • sceneMaterials: If you want to use a material inside the katana scene you should set its name here. The katana material must have the same name as the material stored in the variation table. You can use the * and ! character for string matching. You can enter multiple names using the comma as separator.
    If you use Arnold: please remember to use the ArnoldMaterialSettings node with the forceCreate attribute to export the katana material. If you use Renderman: add the material.prmanExportMaterial attribute to your material and check the parameter plugin.exportTaggedMaterials inside the Renderman global settings
  • arnoldDisplacementPostfix: If you are using an Arnold material inside the katana scene and you want to assign also a displacement material, the latter must have the same name of the surface material followed by this postfix
  • expandMeshes: When having expanded agents, this will create a new sub location for every mesh belonging to the agents.
  • drawMode: the agent draw mode inside the katana viewer
  • drawMetadata: When on, it displays the metadata values of each agent inside the viewer
  • drawMetadataValue: Comma separated list of all the metadata you want to display inside the viewer
  • drawMetadataFontSize: the font size used for drawing metadatas
  • useInstances: the atoms procedural will try to instances agents with the same pose. If the agent has a cloth cache or dynamic xgen it will not be instanced.
  • useFrustumCulling: the procedural renders only the agents visible by the frustum culling camera.
  • frustumCullingCamera: Camera used to cull agents at render time (Maya: connect the camera transform message attribute to this attribute).

  • frustumCullingOverscan: Multiplier on the camera culling image plane.

  • overrides.agentType: Specify an override for the agent types of this atoms proxy agents. You can override one character using a string in the following format: agentId@AgentTypeName (i.e. 1@man)

  • overrides.agentVariation: Specify an override for the variations of this atoms proxy agents. You can override one character using a string in the following format: agentId@VariationName (i.e. 1@casualSummer)

  • overrides.agentVariationOverride: Specify an override for the variation overrides of this atoms proxy agents. You can override one character using a string in the following format: agentId@VariationOverride (i.e. 1@with_glasses)

  • overrides.agentVariationGeometryFilterOverride: Specify a geometry filter override for this atoms proxy agents. You can override one character using a string in the following format: agentId@GeometryName (i.e. 1@glasses_GEO)

  • overrides.agentVariationGeoMatFilterOverride: Specify a geo-mat combination override for this atoms proxy agents. You can override one character using a string in the following format: agentId@GeometryName-MaterialName(i.e. 1@glasses_GEO-boy_glasses_black_MAT)

  • overrides.agentLod: Specify an override for the lod of this atoms proxy agents. You can override one character using a string in the following format: agentId@LodName (i.e. 1@loda)

  • overrides.agentMetadata: Create or modify agent metadata (i.e 10@myIntMetada#10 10-25@myVector3Metada#1.0;2.0;3.0 10-25@myDoubleMetada#12.5 10-25@myStringMetada#test)

  • orientation: Surface orientation.
  • boudingBoxScale: Scale factor applied to each agent bounding box.
  • subdivide: Activate the subdivision surface. Use only by Renderman.
  • subdivScheme: Subdivision surface method applied to the meshes. Use only by Renderman.
  • subdivInterpolation: Subdivision interpolation. Use only by Renderman.
  • subdivFacevaryingInterpolation: Subdivision interpolation. Use only by Renderman.
  • xgen.camera: Camera location used by the xgen procedural.

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