Variation Randomizer
Once all the variations have been set up in the variation manager, setting a variation to all your agents can be quite a tedious task.
A tool for quickly setting up your agents is the Variation Randomizer.
Select your agent group nodes from the scene.
Select some variations or the parent agent type, then press the arrow button to move the variations to the right list.
You can adjust the sliders to randomize the variation distribution.
By enabling the "Enable distance" option, you can tell Atoms to avoid applying the same variation within a certain distance. This only works if you have enough variations available. If you have only two variations and this option is on, you might end up with an even distribution.
Activate "Enable Seed" to make sure the randomization is consistent while using the same agent type, variations and their weights . Disabling it will make the randomization be different every time you press Run. The randomization will also change depending on the seed value provided.
Activate the "On selected agents only" if you wish to run the Randomizer only on the selected agents.
Once you are happy with your selection, click on the "Run" button.
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