Is In Range
Is In Range
Runs the child node if the distance between the start position and the target is less than a specific distance.
Success: When the child returns Success.
Failure: When child node fails or the target is farther than the distance
Running: When the child is Running.
Attributes | Type | Description |
lockAgent | bool | If on, ensures no data on the agent is written simultaneously by nodes that have this option active. |
startPosition | vector3 | Start position |
targetPosition | vector3 | End position |
distance | double | Distance/radius |
fadeInDistance | double | Fade In distance used to compute the weight |
dynamic | bool | If the child is running check the distance at every tick, aborting the child if the the distance condition is not meet. |
invert | bool | Run the child if the distance is farther and return failure if it is closer then the input distance |
blackboardKey | string | Blackboard key that will contain the weight computed by the node. |
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